The Bridal Hunt
The Bridal Hunt
Jeanette Lynn
Published By:
Jeanette Lynn
The Bridal Hunt
Copyright 2014 by Jeanette Lynn
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author's imagination and used fictitiously.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Other books by Jeanette Lynn
About the author
Books by Jeanette Lynn
Cosmic Soul Mates Series
Stellar Proportions
Book 1
(Neyenn & Molilah)
Out Of This Orbit
Book 2
(Jaye and Darlah)
On Her Axis
Book 3
(Marre, Magenta & Perre)
(m/f/m) (no m/m)
The Brides of Mordenne Series
A Mate To Match
Book 1
(Alfred & Katarina)
In Her Eyes
Book 2
(Ben & Penelope)
Other Books
The Bridal Hunt
Jingle Belled And Mistletoed
(Vincent & Jinny)
When She Least Expected It
(William Gerald's story from Jingle Belled And Mistletoed)
This book contains sexually explicit material, intended for readers 18 and older.
It also contains ménage a trois situations, abduction and violence.
Chapter 1
I hummed under my breath as I opened the oven door and checked on my banana bread.
Mmm... Yum! I thought as the smell hit my nose.
I pulled my toothpick out and sure enough, it came up clean, so I took the pans out with my pot holders and set them on top of the stove to cool.
I shut off the oven and wandered over to the radio, mint-almond milk cocoa in hand.
The Jack Frost cartoon character on the mug was winking at me in co-conspirator-ship as I turned the dials on the old radio, searching for another Christmas station to help me get into the holiday mood.
The twinkle lights I'd strung up on my little plastic tree blinked along merrily, working like a charm.
Little hand tied bows of red and home made ornaments from my childhood were placed haphazardly around the tree, giving the room that holiday feeling.
I could use a little good cheer right about now...
I know George was enjoying some 'goodwill towards men' the last time I saw him. Well, in the beginning he was anyways...
So was his secretary, Candy.
Candy. Even her name screams bimbo.
Oh, quit being such a bitch, Mina, I groused at myself.
It's not her fault she's named after sugary confections... unless she intentionally changed her name to Candy...
I snorted at the thought.
How funny would that be?
But I digress.
It all started when I'd thought to surprise my boyfriend with an impromptu trip to the mountains, just he and I.
We'd recently become engaged and I’d wanted to do something really special.
It would really give us a chance to reconnect and rekindle the fire that's dimmed a little these past few months.
Let us really get our groove on without any interruptions.
I'd thought the little funk we'd gotten into was because of our hectic schedules...
Not because he was 'decking Candy's halls'.
The moment was so fresh, branded into me, into my mind, as if on replay in my head, like some terrible movie that never ends…
I had already packed up everything we would need for our trip into my truck, cleared everything with his boss, and was all set to romance the pants off of him.
When I entered his office, however, and found him with his pants around his ankles as Candy licked his little cane, I freaked.
Erm... maybe that's not quite the word I'm looking for...
Blew up, would be more accurate...
I went nuclear... ballistic... supernova... fuckin' berserk... take your pick.
Did I mention I have a bit of a temper when someone totally fucks me over?
Shit! If he was screwing me, maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to let Candy play with his pixie stick!
I may have screamed and ranted for a few minutes... maybe ten, drawing the attention of his other coworkers as George and his little 'sugar bunny' (his endearment for her, not mine), tried to frantically dress.
All while I cursed them all over kingdom come and swore their babies would look like hairy little blonde monkeys.
The skinny, emaciated, blonde tart cowered as I stalked towards them, face red with embarrassment, tears stinging the backs of my eyes as I confronted my supposed boyfriend of three years and more recently, fiancé of one month.
"Why?" I asked him bluntly, not hiding the tear that fell from the corner of my eye and trailed down my cheek.
It is not weak to cry!
So sue me, I'm emotional!
And if they don't like it, then tough shit!
"I uh... that is... erm..." George spluttered at the rage in my face, sweat beading on his forehead as he nervously wrung his hands together and kept 'yo yo-ing' his gaze between Candy and me.
"This isn't how it was supposed to be!" George blurted, trying to step towards me.
"Who's the fat chick, Georgie?" Candy asked in a very high pitched, winy voice.
Sweet baby Jesus! It was like listening to nails on a chalk board!
I winced as her grating voice droned on, tormenting my poor ear drums.
"I was his fiancée," I said glaring at my spineless twerp of an ex, even more pissed when he looked genuinely hurt by my reaction.
Of all the idiots in this world, I had to pick the cream of the crop, didn't I?!
I pulled off my engagement ring and tossed it to Candy.
"Here you go, Connie," I said sweetly, purposely flubbing her name, smirking when the ring landed, 'accidentally', of course, in the dip of the 'v' of her very fake boobs.
Candy's eyes gleamed as she greedily dug through her cleavage, searching for the now meaningless rock the bastard had presented me with just a few weeks ago.
"Maybe you'll have better luck with him and that," I gestured towards the ring, "than I did." I raised my head high and wal
ked past George's wide eyed boss, all of the other employees at the firm and a few of their clients too.
Screw them all!
Stare at me... hope they got a freaking eyeful!
And an earful!
"Busybodies... all of you," I muttered angrily, marching past everyone as George tried to chase after me.
Candy was bringing up the rear, my old engagement ring clutched tightly in her hand, her fake breasts not even jiggling once as she tried to keep up without tripping on her hooker heels.
They were like cemented in flotation devices... I'd hate to fall with a pair of those latched onto my chest.
"Can't we talk about this, pumpkin?" George asked pleadingly, bright red lipstick still smeared all over his face.
He looked like a very handsome, very well dressed, blonde clown.
I snorted at the picture he presented, then snickered and sneered at his nickname for me.
How touching, I thought caustically, ready to gouge his pretty hazel eyes out.
I tried to reign in my temper as I made it to the parking lot, reaching into my purse to dig for my keys.
Good grief!
Could this day go any worse?!
Of all the times to need my keys right this minute and I can't find them!
"Pumpkin! Willy! Lovey," George murmured, trying to sidle up close to me.
I stuck my elbow up high to hold him off as the hand attached to said elbow held one side of my purse open, while I searched for my friggin' keys.
"Shut up, you philandering idiot," I barked at him, trying to ignore him.
Ah ha! Keys at last! I thought, feeling a little triumphant, despite the predicament I currently find myself in.
Time to get the hell out of dodge!
"Well, Cordy," I told Candy over George's shoulder as he tried to get her to go back inside, promising the leggy bimbo that they could 'talk' later.
Riggghhht talk...
And I'm the tooth fairy!
"It's been just lovely to meet you," I told her sarcastically, laying it on thick as I batted my lashes at her and wiggled my fingers in her direction.
"Ta, tah!" I said with fake cheer, waving over my shoulder as I unlocked my driver’s side door and pulled on the handle to open it.
"It isn't what you think, Willy! Really!" George whined, his hand clutching the door while Candy clutched his shirt sleeve, whining at him in high pitched squeaks to let the pumpkin go.
I turned beet red at her jab at my weight.
"Listen up, you walking blonde flotation device!" I snarled, pointing at her warningly, "Make a derogatory comment about my weight again and this fat little ass will squash you and send your barely fed skeleton straight to hell!"
"She called you fat?" George asked frowning, just now tuning into to 'Candy FM, the whiniest voice you'll ever hear!'
George glared at Candy and unlatched her from his arm.
"Don't talk about her like that! She's my future wife, Miss Beyburn, and I'll not tolerate her being talked about like that!!" he demanded sternly, cowering his little tart with just a look.
A tart and a weenie!
Oh joy!
Really picked a keeper, George!
"You didn't have a problem with her polishing your gherkin earlier," I clipped at him bluntly, taking pleasure in the slight flinch as my barb struck.
"I told you Pum... um... Willy, I..."
"What? You just what? Your pants fell down and she was just checking your dick for dust?!"
"No! You don't... I just... Don't leave me!" he howled out pitifully.
I am not impressed... to say the least and I'm sure it's apparent on my face.
"It's really not what it looks like! I swear!" he promised, keeping his hand pinned on the door frame, so I couldn't open it up.
I cringed at the desperation I heard in his voice.
Do I look like an idiot to him?!
I slowly released the door handle and pivoted on my feet, turning around to square off against George for the last time.
"Really?" I said quietly, menace lacing my voice, "So, I didn't just walk in to your office to surprise you with a romantic holiday and find your secretary sucking you off?"
George turned beet red and shook his head 'no' frantically, his hands reaching out to grip my arms as he pulled me towards him and latched himself onto me like a boa constrictor.
"Don't leave me! I need you!" he pleaded, outright begging me.
"Release me!" I shrieked as I struggled in his arms, trying to wriggle out of his stifling embrace.
"You don't understand!" he wailed, trying to pull back enough to kiss my face, Candy's lipstick still smeared on them.
I snapped my teeth at him when he tried.
He yelped and aborted that idea, his breath catching on a gasp, his hazel eyes turning hot and wanting in the face of my fury.
I did a double take at the sexual heat gleaming in them and blinked a couple of times in disbelief, a little shocked at the sudden arousal on his end.
What the hell...
I had a sudden flash back of all the arguments we'd gotten in over the years and the crazy make up sex that had always followed.
How insatiable he was right after, the passion it'd brought out in him.
"You're the only person who understands," he whispered in my ear.
I tried to pull away again, his hold tightening even more around me.
Adrenaline started to pump through me as fear started to set in.
"You want me, for me, Willy! You're the only one I love. I'll ever love. It's you or no one! You're the only woman who's ever had enough guts to stand up to me, doesn't put up with any of my shit. You complete me, Pumpk... Willy."
"You're completely nuts, is what you are! Now get off me!" I growled out, frustrated and a little worried at his babbling.
"You always let me have my wicked way with you," he grinned, referring to some of our more kinky forays into sex.
"Gah! Shut up!" I grunted, grimacing.
"I was your first. Remember, Willy? You let me love your body, let me love you... all night long," he whispered trying to nibble at my ear.
I flinched and pushed up against him, trying to knock him off balance. It backfired, though, his sturdy frame taking the shift of weight distribution without so much as a wobble.
Damn fitness freak!
"You make me want you so bad, Willy," he admitted quietly, his voice turning into a husky murmur as he thrust himself against me suggestively, a squeak slipping past my lips as he chuckled heatedly.
If he's thinking this will somehow make me forget the last twenty minutes and jump into his kooky arms... he can guess again!
Dream on, jerk face!
This lady is done!
I renewed my struggles, squirming frantically, trying to dislodge his arms from around me.
"This was supposed to bring us closer together, baby, not tear us apart! You were supposed to catch us and rant at her, not me! You're not even going to try and win me back? You're just going to call it quits? Give up on us?"
He seemed genuinely upset.
"Why would I fight for a cheating asshole?! You aren't worth it!"
I glared at him.
"You don't mean that," he said pouting at me.
He's serious!
I managed to get my hands between us and pulled on his tie, hoping to tighten it somehow and strangle his crazy ass.
"You didn't even know I was coming in today! It was supposed to be a surprise! You couldn't have possibly..."
"Yeah, well... my boss told Candy and she told me," he said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, a grin playing at his lips as he tried to steal a kiss again.
The lipstick and the smile made him look like the creepy psycho guy in all the twisted horror flicks.
No amount of handsome could take away the creep factor right now.
You're sick!" I yelled, gripping his tie in a death grip. "You cheated on me so I would call you out and we could just what? Forget about it and jump each other's bones?" I asked incredulously, my sea green eyes like saucers as he regarded me seriously.
"You make it sound so crappy when you say it like that," he complained, completely unperturbed with what he'd planned, with what he'd done, with what he's doing right now!
"You Bastard!" I screeched and stomped on the toes of his fancy Italian shoes.
It startled him so much he let go for a minute and I grabbed my trusty purse and slugged him with it, swinging it as hard as I could, enjoying the 'thwack' as it smashed into his face.
Take that, pretty boy!
"Willy!" he shrieked as he clutched at his nose, trying to stop the bleeding with one hand, the other still reaching out for me.
I hurried into my truck and engaged the door lock button, ignoring George's frantic bangs on my window as I started the engine and put it into drive.
George jumped on top of the hood, eliciting a scream from me as he suctioned himself to the front windshield.
"Get off my baby, you crazy bastard!" I yelled, turning the washer fluid on him as he tried to straddle the hood and plead with me at the same time.
Oh, my god!
He's lost his friggin’ mind!
Employees were gathering around outside to watch the insanity unfold and Candy started trying to yank him down by the cuff of his pant leg.
He ignored her and tried to see me through the steady stream of washer fluid I kept pelting him with.
Note to self: Replace washer fluid later.
Fifteen fun filled minutes later, a cop car pulled up and a uniformed officer stepped out, his frown turning into a scowl as he took in a disheveled, lipstick wearing, washer fluid covered George.
Then he took in Candy pulling on his pant cuff frantically, the other hand still clutching the ring tightly and then me in my truck, screeching at George, blasting my horn and tapping my windshield to mime at him to get the hell off.